Hace años...
Un amanecer rojo detrás del Licancabur....Un momento de epifanía.
Alguien me hizo recordarlo.
¿Porqué las relaciones humanas son tan complicadas?
¿Porqué las cosas no fluyen como debieran?
¿Por qué hay que acostumbrarse a estar solo para no sufrir?
"I don't want to be... a page in your diary, babe."
Nobody's Diary -Yazoo.
If I wait for just a second more,
I know I'll forget what I came here for,
My head was so full of things to say,
But as I open my lips all my words slip away
and anyway,
I can't believe you want to turn the page,
And move your life onto another stage,
You can change the chapter you can change the book,
But the story remains the same if you'd take a look.
For the times we've had I don't want to be - a page in your diary babe,
For the good, the bad I don't want to see - a page in your diary babe,
For the happy, the sad - I don't want to be another page in your diary.
Perhaps if I held you I could win again,
I could take your hands we'd talk and maybe then -
That look in your eyes I always recognise,
Would tell me everything is gonna be fine,
You're gonna be mine
for a long time...
For the times we've had I don't want to be - a page in your diary babe,
For the good, the bad I don't want to see - a page in your diary babe,
For the happy, the sad - I don't want to be another page in your diary.
For the times we've had I don't want to be - a page in your diary babe,
For the good, the bad I don't want to see - a page in your diary babe,
For the happy, the sad - I don't want to be another page in your history.
Nobody's Diary by Yazoo |
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4 comentarios:
Parece que te rompieron el corazón y en muchos fragmentos´, los recuerdos estan ahí.....
Sí, alguna vez....hace algunos años... Y al Igual que la canción de Cristina, los pedazos se espacieron por todas partes y nunca volví a encontrarlos y a recuperar mi corazón pleno.
Creo te tratas de buscar lo que perdiste en otras personas, en ellas no estan los fragmentos June, no bebes buscar lo perfecto, debes buscar algo tan simbre como el verdadero amor, tu cómplice,tu amante, buscalo quizas ya lo encontraste pero no quieres asumirlo piensaaa......
Hablas como si me conocieras....
Ante lo que comentas te respondo como Alfonsina:
"Persigo lo perfecto en mí y en los demás, persigo lo perfecto para poder amar"
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